Suicide Prevention Media Campaign Co-Creation Opportunities

CBO & Tribal Partner Summer Challenge

The California Department of Public Health launched Never a Bother, a statewide youth suicide prevention media campaign. This campaign was co-created with young people across California and continues to offer opportunities for youth to be involved in content creation for their communities. Visit to learn more.

Youth Challenge:  Create art, videos and more about suicide prevention for the youth suicide prevention media campaign. There are a number of different co-¬creation prompts you can respond to! All submissions will qualify to win prizes and recognition.  Selected entries will be showcased at the summer grantee meeting.

  • TikToks
  • 30 or 60-second videos (not TikToks)
  • Digital Art (Instagram sized posts or carousels)

CBO/Tribal Partner Challenge:  Create printed or multi-media outreach materials for the youth suicide prevention media campaign.  Submit something you have already created or create something new!  All materials need to apply safe and effective messaging for suicide prevention and should be co-created with young people from your community. Selected entries will be showcased at the summer grantee meeting.

  • Print Materials (Posters, Brochures, Palm Cards, More)
  • Multi-Media (Social Media Posts, Educacional Videos, PSAs, Radio Spots, More)

Deadline:  July 12, 2024
Questions?  Contact the campaign team

How will created pieces be used?
  • By CBO and Tribal Partners: We hope that you will use the communication pieces your youth create as part of your own communication efforts.
  • Considered for the media campaign:  All submissions from youth from CDPH-funded CBOs and Tribal Partners will be reviewed by the campaign team and selected submissions will be featured in the media campaign.  For example, on campaign social channels, as part presentations or toolkits, and more.
  • Entered into California Youth Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Art and Film Contest.  This is an opportunity for submissions from CBO and Tribal Partner youth to get additional recognition and prizes. 
What if youth miss a deadline for a prompt?
  • No problem!  Submit your entry at any time.  The campaign team will review all submissions from CDPH-funded CBO and Tribal Partner youth, whether they responded by the deadline or later and consider them for inclusion in the media campaign.
  • However, if you don’t submit by the summer challenge deadline, your entry might not qualify for recognitions at the grantee meeting.
  • More prompts and challenges will be announced!
What criteria will be used to review entries??
  • All submissions will be reviewed by the campaign team for how well they responded to one of the provided prompts and how creative they were in incorporating the Never a Bother campaign.
  • For CBO and Tribal Partner submissions, review will also include if the entry applied safe and effective messaging guidelines and to what extent the entry was co-created with youth and adapted for the unique needs of your local community and the youth served by your organization.
How do I submit my entry?

Use the entry form.


Life can get overwhelming and sometimes feel we don’t want to burden others with our problems. Create a film, art piece, song or narrative that validates a young person’s feelings, letting them know they are never a bother, and encouraging them to reach out for help.

Get creative and share information about how to help a friend or a youth in your care. Incorporate one or more of the following elements: 1) Warning signs of suicide, 2) Asking directly about suicide, 3) Steps to take if your friend (or youth in your care) is thinking about suicide, 4) Available crisis resources.

Review the informational videos about what happens when you call or connect with 988 at  How would you promote this resource with young people from your community? Share the reasons someone should reach out for help and reinforce that they are never a bother!