
May 2024 Snap, Filter & Swipe

This entry is made by one our youths from the Eastern African Community of San Diego. In the Video they, the youth member portrays what it’s like to view oneself from a negative view based of the today’s social media standards. However, the Youth in the video switches scripts and starts providing positive affirmation and focuses on social media from a positive lens.

Mental Health Matters

This piece supports people asking for help and also reminds people that they are brave for asking for help.

Through the Lens of Culture

This video created by our Youths from the Eastern African Community shows how mental health is viewed from the viewpoint of the Eastern African culture. We were able create the content using Specific language, clothing and music from the Eastern African culture.

Find Your Anchor

“During times of stress, I find myself either wanting to be active or make any form of art […] I made my entry to share what my anchors are and hopefully inspire others to find their anchors as well. […] Now that I know what my main anchors are, I can go to them whenever I need to. It makes me feel organized and prepared knowing that I can always go do these things and come back feeling better.”

Our Effect on the Environment

I chose this category because I wanted to share to people that earth is our only home and that we really need to help our planet and its environment if we want to continue on as a species.

5 Easy Ways You Can Save The Earth

We chose this category because we care about the environment and have witnessed the effects a dirty environment can have on people, animals, and all other ecosystems. We have also wanted to learn more about changes we can make without completely altering our lives or spending money we don’t have.