
Your Own Stories

I have a friend who is always upbeat and radiates positivity; she is a person who makes everyone around her feel good. She not only supports and consoles me but also those friends around her when they are unhappy; in my eyes, she is a mental health hero who will always be there to encourage and listening to everyone. But one day I recognized that my friend, the sweet girl who was always smiling and happy, was not as strong and positive as she appeared to me and other friends. I eventually realized that her wonderful attributes and cheery demeanor were all masks she had made to disguise the darkness inside of her. My friend is currently suffering from depression and is undergoing psychological treatment. Now, her condition has improved, and she is beginning to open up more in sharing her struggles with friends and me.

A rainy day

“I chose to show my gratitude towards rain. Rain for many people including myself, is a very special thing, especially living in Southern California.”

The Bloom of Hope

“I wanted to share how being around ture is a great comfort to me. I think it’s important to recognize the importance of appreciating ture, as well as taking care of it.”

Our Daily Life is a Present

“Even though they need to wear masks and have a tough workload in school, they are happy about having social interactions and having normal days with friends. The present box is tied with green ribbons, which represents mental health.”

Wings of Comfort

“I wanted to express how there is hope for those who are struggling in their lives and are desperate for help and may not know where to look.”

Hope Found in Harsh Environment

“There is polluted air in the sky, and mountains made of trash on the ground, with one shining bright green plant that survives and grows through all those circumstances.”


“The meaning of the piece was to give thanks to mothers. I depicted the piece in thermal radiation to show that the mother gives her child warmth, which also represents her love.”

Rainbow Path

“My drawing is intended to bring hope for LGBTQ people.”

The Head the Heart

“I think more times than not deciding the verdict for a court case is made using someone’s biased views, that someone’s emotions (the heart) are used to decide someone’s fate or to judge actions.”

Musical Retreat

“With music as one of the most important things in my life, “Musical Retreat” depicts how I am grateful for music in my life.”