Middle School

Social Media Self Care

To feel good about social media usage, we need to be the change we want to see. Using simple guidelines can help us focus on the good, be a positive influence, and help us and others stay mentally healthy.

Don’t Let a Fake Reality Become Your Real

Sometimes the things you see might not always be true. You shouldn’t compare yourself to people that might have a ‘perfect’ body or life. You have no idea what someone is going through.

Digital Utopia

My poem is about a digital utopia, a world where social media is perfect – built on common values of honesty, trust, patience, safety, and love.

Filtered Realities

I was once deeply affected by my appearance and often used filters to try and hide what I looked like. Now, I have come to accept myself for who I am, and I choose to not use filters anymore. I allow everyone to see who I am, and I am proud to show my true self


The drawing is about how I cope with stress and life’s dilemmas – by listening to music, drawing, and seeing the beauty of nature. With all of these combined, the world seems to be more colorful. Without them, my world always seems to be in black and white.

Talk to someone when needed

It helps students reach out to other students or someone they trust to be able to talk about their feelings or something there struggling with so they don’t have to bottle it up.


Anchors come in different shapes and sizes. Your anchor might not be the same as someone else’s, but that doesn’t matter – if it makes you happy, it’s for you. Taking care of yourself is important, so don’t change your anchor to fit in. I think it’s important for people to understand their anchors or things they do for fun might be different from other people.

What gives me hope

My entry has to do which what gives me hope in life, so I did a poem on how playing softball and being with friends and family help me when im overwhelmed.

James’s helping hands

My piece is about James finding a place were he can express himself and feel safe and comfortable.

My Escape From Stress

This entry is an essay about someone who helps me come back to earth when I am upset. Writing this was a way to express gratitude for my best friend.