Mental Health

First Step

“First Step” explores a variety of different students as they are faced with the depression. Each student begins to overcome adversity in their own way and takes that first step to get help.

The Cycle

This film is about a high school student stuck in a cycle of negative thinking, leading to low self-esteem, jealousy of others, and anti-social behavior. Fortunately, a text from a friend shares mental health resources, all the while reassuring him that others care.

Piecing It Together

“Piecing it Together” centers on a teenage boy reflecting on his younger years (before he began struggling with mental health). The film uses puzzles as a metaphor, illustrating the complexities of mental health and the importance of support.

Anxiety in School

This film focuses on the topic of anxious students and highlights some of the triggers that they may face in the school environment. The overall message is that there is always someone to talk to, and youth are never alone in this struggle.

Don’t Be Afraid to Say Hey

This film depicts the importance of speaking out about personal struggles by showing a youth urging a friend they are concerned about to reach out for help.

Mind Over Matter

“Mind Over Matter” depicts a young girl having an anxiety attack due to stress she’s experiecing at school. Her classmate helps her through the attack and educates her on the mental health resources provided at school.

My Safe Space

This film highlights the difficulties of being a neurodivergent and/or queer high school student and how concealing part of yourself is ultimately detrimental to your mental health and self-worth. Fortunately, many communities provide safe spaces (including clubs, classes, and after-school activities) where students are able to take off the mask and be the person they truly are.

Real Talk

“Real Talk” emphasizes the significance of patience and understanding in the process of opening up. The film highlights the importance of allowing individuals the time they need to feel comfortable expressing themselves, all the while underscoring the crucial message that, despite the challenges and uncertainties, communication is essential for personal growth and familial harmony.

Paint Your Own Picture

Using art and creativity as metaphors for inner experiences, “Paint Your Own Picture” demonstrates what teenagers face when they are struggling with mental health and emphasizes the importance of reaching out for help.