Mental Health Matters

I’m Here for You

Language: Punjabi and English with English subtitles
A teen opens up to her sister about needing help and at first is not received with a supportive response, but later her sister changes her mind and chooses to help her sister.

Another Light

This film portrays two girls who reach out to people they trust and get the resources and help that they need.

To Help A Friend

One friend is sad. The other friend notices that they are acting different from how they normally are. They go over and talk to them and telling them that they are there for them.

Don’t Wait

We created our film to help decrease the stigma around Mental Health by showing that reaching out for help is good. Our main character struggles with her mental health issues but decides to share what she’s feeling with a friend. She realizes that there’s no shame in reaching out and that getting help improves her life.

Stronger Together

A boy exhibits changes in his behavior and gets diagnosed with depression. His friends notice these changes and reach out to support him.

Frozen Sunshine

A girl is “frozen” by her mental health challenges, but her friend directly asks her what she needs to better understand how to help.

It’s More Common Than You Think

This wasn’t my original film plan, but I had to improvise. I had no idea if it would even come together until i started editing it: everything fell into place. I am super satisfied with the product and hope it will affect many. The song in this film is one I wrote last year on my guitar… it sounded like something you’d hear in one of those trendy shorts you come across online; and sis was here for that. #enjoy


Chandler realizes the difficulties he is facing through his life. His anxiety begins to overwhelm him when things in his life begin to pile on his plate. He find that he needs to talk to someone he trust about his situation and lets his mother know.


In the story we have 7 Colors and each colors has a different emotion. Red is the main person of the film red’s emotion is Willpower! Each dancer has a color and a different emotion.


A boy with depression learns he’s not the only one struggling, so he shares his story to make others feel less alone.