Hope and Justice


If you’re ever in a situation where your friend is acting distant and stops hanging out with you, then you should reach out to that person and offer them your support.

Get Better

This film is a story about a boy’s mental health journey.


A small bit of hope can not only bring life back into our lives, but can liberate us from our doubt, guilt, and despair.

Reach for the stars

This is a digital art piece of a young child reaching for the stars, where sunlight and stardust collide with each other, as well as a hand reaching out. By asking different people to take a look at this picture, I’ve learned that everyone sees and feels something different.

Striking for Patients

My piece depicts the strikes nurses went on in order to protest a shortage of workers in the healthcare industry and the dangers faced by patients as a result of being treated by underpaid, overworked professionals. Strikes can serve as crucial tools for securing fair wages and hours.

One Note Can Go a Long Way

One message, as simple as it may be, can make a big difference to someone’s day. While it’s important to give yourself hope and find things that can help you get through the day, it’s also equally important to help others.

A much needed conversation

A simple conversation with someone can go a long way. My film shows the benefits of having a conversation about mental health.

A Lesson In Poetry

My piece, “A Lesson in Poetry”, is my way of expressing how much poetry means to me. I thought what better way than to discuss this with a poem, one of my favorite art forms. This piece tells the story of how I learned to write poetry from my dad throughout the years and how he really formed my love for it and how I write. “A Lesson in Poetry” is meant to be a guide for anyone looking to get into writing poetry or really writing of any kind. As something that has given me so much hope, I wanted to share its beauty with everyone who reads it by looking back on my journey as a poet.

Recreating me

The piece I created called “recreating me” is about living life with a different body image than what is percieved through social media and other social norms. My piece illustrates both the harshness and hateful discrimination from social media and social norms based around stretch marks and belly rolls. While i also integrate the softer accepting hand holding the figure accepting the imperfections. My piece is about breaking apart and ripping off the social norms and hateful words people will claim about you and reveal the true you underneath.


Kintsugi (meaning “golden joinery”) is the Japanese method of mending broken pottery with gold. […] I based my piece around the earthquake in March 2011 that I experienced when I lived in Japan. Many lives were lost, towns were destroyed by tsunamis, and the radiation plant disaster that followed left the country terrified of its potential effects. However, through all that, I watched the citizens uplift each other and find ways to cheer everyone up.