Superhero in Each of Us

The Sport In Me

A youth loses his passion for basketball, but a friend notices his withdrawal from the sport and connects him to help.

This is Me

A film that incorporates animation to share how a girl is affected by the words others use but embraces her unique interests.

Where Did My Braids Go

When a girl stops pursuing her passion for writing, her friends notice this change in behavior and provide support. “In this project we learned how to cope with mental health and how to help a friend in need. We also learned how to take action and speak about mental health.”

The Passion in My Life

“Our film is about a boy who has a mental health challenge and gets support from a friend and a trusted adult,” the filmmakers shared.

The Problem

A group notices that their friend needs help, so they decided to call the tiol Suicide Prevention Lifeline together.

The Overcomer

The Superhero that resides in each one of us can be found! Mark is an animator, and he shows us that understanding the choices we face and choosing to reach for light in the darkness is so important. In a 100% virtual environment, creating this animated PSA was a huge accomplishment as well as an eye opener. How we support one another matters. How we continue to learn and move forward matters. Mental Health Matters- and we can be an overcomer!