
La Familia es Todo

Language: Spanish with English subtitles
A family supports and helps a young girl as ‘family is everything’.
Una familia apoya y ayuda a una niña como ‘la familia es todo’.

Find Your Superpower

Students help each other cope with stress by finding their strengths and getting support from trusted adults.

Salud Mental

A Latina youth shares the difficulty she and others in her community have sharing their feelings with their families. She is inspired by SanaMente, California’s mental health movement, and decides to help herself and others in her community by talking openly about mental health

Primera Generacion

A girl is feeling pressured and struggling with anxiety from being the first in her family to get an education. She found help on the SanaMente website.
Una niña se siente presionada y esta batallando con ansiedad de ser la primera en su familia a recibir una educación. Encuentra ayuda en el sitio de SanaMente.

Puedo Enfrentarlo

A pair of girls discuss the pressure they carry to succeed but also rely on their family and resources.

Primer Generación

A young girl shares how the pressure of being a first-generation American affects her wellbeing and not being able to share her feelings with her family.

La Vida Nunca Para

In the Latino community, having a lot on your plate and being constantly busy may seem like a positive thing; but many don’t consider the negative effects it has on someone. It leads to mental health issues such as high-stress levels and anxiety that causes life to feel as though it is moving too fast and you can’t keep up. While making this I was going through what I am describing in my film and I felt like I was drowning, and no one seemed to care. I have learned that I need to take a break from time to time and do something I enjoy; which led me to create this film.