Monthly Prompt

A rainy day

“I chose to show my gratitude towards rain. Rain for many people including myself, is a very special thing, especially living in Southern California.”

The Bloom of Hope

“I wanted to share how being around ture is a great comfort to me. I think it’s important to recognize the importance of appreciating ture, as well as taking care of it.”

#Reach Out for Help

“I hope when people see my art piece, they can think ‘Oh, I just need to reach out’ for mental health help.”

you’re not alone

“You’re not alone; if you turn around to look in all directions you’ll see that there are people like you who feel isolated and sad.”

A High Schooler’s Backpack

“A High Schooler’s Backpack demonstrates how it can be overwhelming to be in high school, especially in the upperclassmen years. As hard as it is, it is important to keep going and trying your best.”

Hope Found in Harsh Environment

“There is polluted air in the sky, and mountains made of trash on the ground, with one shining bright green plant that survives and grows through all those circumstances.”


“The meaning of the piece was to give thanks to mothers. I depicted the piece in thermal radiation to show that the mother gives her child warmth, which also represents her love.”

My hopes of Peace

“My submission tells my hopes for 2022. The idea was to visually show the world being fixed. I believe 2022 has a lot of potential to help everyone stay positive.”

Bridge of hope

“I wanted to create something that expressed the struggle of getting help dealing with a bad mental health. It’s a very long journey to get there. If you believe you can make it, you can.”