

My entry shows a girl releasing a bird, which flies out from her hands. This drawing conveys how I felt when one of my close friends moved away few years ago. I felt like I had let go of her, and for a while I was sad. However, I soon learned that our connection couldn’t be severed so easily by mere distance. We could still talk over text, and even though it isn’t as good as being able to see each other in person, it is better than nothing. I also hold onto hope for the future. When we become older and gain independence, perhaps we can see each other again. And I’m willing to work hard until that day comes.

Angel Peer vs. Devil Peer

My submission Angel Peer vs. Devil Peer compares and contrasts the effects or accepting, or denying peer pressure. One side features an angel peer where the teenager rejects peer pressure and maintains a happy healthy state. The other side features a devil peer where the teenager accepts peer pressure and lives in an unhealthy and depressed state.

Unacknowledged Genocides

I drew a digital news article which discusses the bad treatment Palestinians are facing. For the main “article” art piece I drew the Palestinian flag, with the keffiyeh pattern, which is worn by many people showing their support for Palestine, and a child hurling a stone with a slingshot, which shows that children are trying to protect their country against soldiers and tanks that threaten them, inside the silhouette of the country Palestine. I also included some writing explaining some horrific events that have occurred in Palestine.
I included an “advertisement” which has the Uyghur flag behind a woman wearing a mask that has China’s flag as a hand covering the mouth, the Uyghur flag signifying how China is oppressing and capturing the Uyghur people. The Chinese government even went as far as saying that they want to “nip terrorist activities in the bud” (China’s Repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang). Not only is this Islamophobia, but what they are doing is a terroristic act because they have committed the genocide of many Uyghurs.

Dear Jane

Dear Jane shows that life gets better, and even the happiest people struggle, everyone does. Your future self is rooting for you and would give you a big hug if they could. I want people to know it’s okay to struggle right now, but it gets better.

Was it worth it?

My film gives people the perspective of what it is like to be someone who thinks that their future is all that matters. It shows how much time I put into working, which impacted the time I was able to spend on myself. It’s okay to be human and make mistakes. The main goal of my film was to tell others that we are all humans, not working robot and knowing when to stop is just as important as working hard.

A Letter from You

We created a film around the idea of self-love and the journey that it can take to get there. The film follows a teenage girl who speaks to her future self in a heartfelt letter. She gives words of encouragement, hope, and most importantly, love as the one who knows her future self’s hardships best.

Dear Future Me

I decided to use my little sister to represent my younger self to show my growth as a person. This was to show how I was able to persevere and grow up.

Dear Me, What If?

“Dear Me, What If” is about the power of having dreams, and making them come true. Right now we are young, but all of us can accomplish great things if we take care of our mental health now. There are no limits on dreams, and each one of us can do anything we set our minds to. No matter what we become, we have the ability to change the world – one “if” at a time.

Hope in us

Our submission is about ideas to give you hope while going through a though time. We provided a few tips with tangible actions to take. The idea was to ensure that students have an opportunity to have “toolkit” in case of needing help.