
Why Do I Feel Like This?

When I made this work, I learned and realized a few things. One of the things that I learned is that people can be afraid of asking “Why do I feel like this?” They could be scared to address their mental health. They could also be scared of reaching out or trying to understand what they’re feeling. I realized that I relate to this because I sometimes avoid or ignore my mental health problems even though I shouldn’t. I wanted this project to feel relatable and to make a viewer realize that they could be ignoring their problems and then try to start addressing them.

You’re Not Alone

“The green ribbon is a symbol for mental health and in my piece represents living or something alive. This is meant as a reminder that you’re not alone, that if you turn around to look in all directions, you’ll see that there are people like you who feel isolated and sad.”

The Mermaids of the Sickened Sea

“My piece is inspired by the overwhelming pollution in the ocean that affects the life of sea animals. In my artwork you can see a mermaid looking solemnly into what has become of her ocean now filled with pollution and trash.”

#Reach Out for Help

When I first heard about the monthly prompt, it first reminded me of how we use social media or texting. Nowadays, a lot of people use hashtags (#) in their social media to share their thoughts about things like Black Lives Matter and Stop Asian Hate protests. So, I thought that it would be great to use the hashtag #takeaction4MH to help others who need help with mental health problems.

My Life With Tito

Rescue dog Tito also rescued us. Tito is a best friend with unconditional love

Light At the End of a Tunnel

I like this film because it’s a good way on how to tell people how to raise your happiness. We love making films.

Finding Hope

One character is insecure about their body, one wants to be better at drawing, and another character wants to be good at video games, and they get hope and each of them keeps going and practicing. We are hopeful of becoming a better version of ourselves in this film. Our film is about how people don’t have to be afraid of what they choose and shouldn’t change themselves for someone else and that they should have hope that everything will get better.

Pledge For Mental Health

Angelica: “Some things that I got from my film is doing my own pledges for myself we chose to do pledges for mental health and some special effects was we used a green screen.”

Jesse: “I got to feel better about myself and we picked it because we thought it would be easy.”

Shelliece: “I have been trying to keep track of my mental health, and I got a really helpful pledge to recite for when I’m feeling sad.”

Finally There

A film showing to never give up, even in the difficult situation that you’re in. To never lose sight of your dream.

Speaking on Mental Health

I’m Schylar Johnson. I enjoyed working on the camera for this film , I choose this topic because EVERYONE struggles with mental health even just by a little bit .