
Hope for Growth

In my artwork, I tried to convey my hopes in 2022. I hope that I can grow as a photographer and as a gardener. As a hobby, I grow many plants(including strawberries, blueberries, and marigolds) in my little garden. Whenever I plant something new, It gives me something to hope/look forward to because the plants growth are a direct result of how I take care of the plants. I wanted to convey growth through an artistic way, so I had branches on top of my subject to represent personal growth. In similar way to gardening, personal growth is a direct result of how you act and how you look at things.

My Body

“This piece is about women’s reproductive rights. The tattoos represent the choice she can make about her body and life. She can choose a tattoo but may not have choices about her uterus.”

Missing Kids of Color Diary PSA

“Our submission brings justice to the kids and teens of color who get kidnapped or taken everyday; no one ever speaks about them, and they rarely receive any news coverage. Furthermore, if they were white, then way more people would have heard about them.”

You Belong

“In my essay I discuss the discrimination my family and I have faced as Asian Americans. Growing up in a rural city I faced many racial injustices starting in kindergarten. I then learned my father went through the same problems when he arrived in California at 10 years old from the Philippines. I chose this category to bring the discussion of Asian hate to light. I feel that many Asian Americans’ stories are silenced and dismissed in American history.”

The Man With The Earth On His Back

My artwork shows the struggles of a migrant worker carrying the Earth on his back. As he walks the rain clouds water and fill the rows of soil with fruits and vegetables. The migrant worker carrying the Earth on his back resembles the hard work they push themselves to do everyday to make a living but they also play a role in keeping families fed with the food they produce. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic they pushed themselves to work to support their families. The migrant workers are vital for human life for they produce the fruits and vegetables humans need to live. Most migrant workers are overlooked and are paid very low wages when they are contributing to the earth and the people in an impactful way.

The Same Cloth

“My piece is a poem I wrote about my struggles with self-harm. The piece is specifically about dealing with the reactions of my parents in regards to finding out my first time and my relapses. I think this relates to hope because while the poem does read as something very serious, the fact that I am still here today and have worked through my issues enough to share them with the world shows that it is possible to get better.”

Hope to Hug

2021 was a year without hugs. It denied us of smiles, and it denied us the ability to personally connect with one another. This new year I hope to see hugs- and with it, happiness for myself, for my friends and family, and for my community. Hugs are warm and comforting- and I hope that soon, we are able to experience this without worry of illness or infection from the virus.

My Hopes of Peace

My submission tells my hopes for 2022. The idea was to visually show the world being fixed. In my drawing we see the world with a smile on his face as a mask starts to tear away. At the top the numbers 2022 are fixing and putting the world back together. I believe 2022 has a lot of potential to help everyone stay positive. During 2020 to 2021 I felt like Everything was falling apart with the pandemic and I’m hoping that in 2022 we can all be fixed and celebrate by spending time with our loved ones.

The Best Year Yet to Come

“Our PSA video is about overcoming the struggle of not being able to socialize or do normal things with our peers because of the pandemic. We encourage the audience to get vaccinated so that things can finally go back to normal in 2022. This relates back to our hopes for 2022 which is being able to see our friends normally and having a real graduation ceremony in person.”