We can get better together

This art piece represents what I would say to a friend in need. Shared experiences and friends help people open up and speak their mind.

Through the Lens of Culture

This video created by our Youths from the Eastern African Community shows how mental health is viewed from the viewpoint of the Eastern African culture. We were able create the content using Specific language, clothing and music from the Eastern African culture.

Count On Me

This dance piece is about sometimes feeling alone and stuck, but with the help of others you can always find your way.

You Are Never A Bother

It is important to us that people know they aren’t a bother. Their problems matter, and there are people who care about what they are going through. We have seen people feel like they don’t have anyone to talk to, and we want to help make our school and community a more welcoming and caring place.

You Are Never A Bother

It is important for my friends to know that they are never a bother. They can come to me with any problems, and as a peer mentor, I want to be there for my friends and point them in the right direction.

What I wish my parents knew

Our indigenous Latino youth wanted an opportunity to express how they feel about their struggle in school. Being first-generations students means that their parents often don’t know the hurdles their children have to overcome to be successful.

What I Wish My Parents Knew

It is important for our parents to know what we are going through. We have different experiences from them, and they can’t always relate. This can affect our mental health and our relationship with them. We want to bring more awareness to this struggle that students have with their parents.

What I Wish My Parents Knew

Sometimes it is hard for my parents to understand me and for me to open up to them. Working with my team helped me to feel better knowing that my friends go through similar things. We want our parents to understand how important mental health is to us.

What I Wish My Parents Knew

I want to help bring awareness to the fact that students are going through a lot more than their parents might realize.