Mental health in Asian Americans

I chose this category because I know people who are or have been through this situation. Not only that, I can relate to this video as well.

Don’t Lose Sight of Hope

I chose this category because I know many people who struggle to find the good in life. I wrote it in the hope of advocating to look for the good. Through this project I too learned how to better look for the good in life.

Mental Health Podcast PSA

Depression is not always apparent. We can end the stigma surrounding mental health illness. There is always hope.

Holding On

I wanted to try and help people with the things I have gone through. Knowing these things bring more understanding towards these types of issues and I hate to see people go through trauma.

The World Is Better With You In It

Arianna and Aileen are aware of many suicidal ideations. They wanted to share the message that even if sometimes we are in a dark place, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can overcome any issue when you feel lost. Speaking out and accepting support will lead you to a positive life and can change your future. The willingness of being open to sharing so others can listen can do so much. The world is better with you in it and we want you to know everyone matters.

Reaching Out

Our leadership class is focusing on our annual Acts of Kindness unit. With the start of our NAMI on Campus club, we chose to create a few short films we could use to help students know that they are not alone.