Speak Up

By showing a student struggling get through his day while physically injured, filmmakers make apparent that ailing physical health is impossible to ignore and that the same should go for our mental health.


A character with a wilting flower walks the audience through signs of suicide and is offered a “petal” of help from a friend.

Hidden Hurt

A letter to a best friend offering help, illustrates recognizing the signs of suicide and encourages reaching out.

Mi Vida

A young woman who is overwhelmed in her home life finds support and hope through the resources of SaMente.

You Saw the Signs

A girl notices her friend showing the warning signs of suicide. She asks her friend directly if she’s thinking of suicide, connects her to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and provides her with support.

Direct Message

A film about how it’s okay to break a friend’s trust to get them help. A girl texts her friend that she’s thinking of suicide, so he reaches out to another friend for help, and they share the Crisis Text Line.

Keep an Eye on Me

A student describes his struggles with depression and loneliness and expresses how his friends give him hope.

Frozen Sunshine

A girl is “frozen” by her mental health challenges, but her friend directly asks her what she needs to better understand how to help.

It’s More Common Than You Think

This wasn’t my original film plan, but I had to improvise. I had no idea if it would even come together until i started editing it: everything fell into place. I am super satisfied with the product and hope it will affect many. The song in this film is one I wrote last year on my guitar… it sounded like something you’d hear in one of those trendy shorts you come across online; and sis was here for that. #enjoy