Visual Art

Mental Health Matters

This piece supports people asking for help and also reminds people that they are brave for asking for help.

Helping Hand

My entry is a watercolor painting of a person helping a friend climb up a hill. I decided to show these two people in the outdoors because, a lot of the time when I don’t feel great, being outside is the best way to ease any stress on my mind. […] Sometimes we can’t do everything by ourselves, and it is important to both provide and ask for help when times are tough.

The Simplest Things

This piece is about finding joy in even the simplest things and how that gives me hope for the future. Whether it be a beautiful sunset or a favorite show, there’s always something around you to appreciate.

Social Media Self Care

To feel good about social media usage, we need to be the change we want to see. Using simple guidelines can help us focus on the good, be a positive influence, and help us and others stay mentally healthy.

Don’t Let a Fake Reality Become Your Real

Sometimes the things you see might not always be true. You shouldn’t compare yourself to people that might have a ‘perfect’ body or life. You have no idea what someone is going through.

Lost in the Screen

This piece shows just how much we are invested in our screens. The fish in the bowl represents how people have small attention spans from social media. The skeleton represents how hollow one might become when being too invested in their phone, not able to pay attention to their surroundings.

End the Stigma

I tried to inspire a social media trend that focuses more on sharing our mental health and less on looks. The purpose of the trend is to encourage others to share in a comfortable way, ending the stigma of talking about mental health. […] People tend to keep up with appearances and care excessively for their reputations on social media. Rarely do we reveal our innermost thoughts, especially when those thoughts revolve around mental health.

Trapped in the Digital Cage

While social media may create a sense of connection, it can also be a source of isolation, distraction, and false perceptions of reality. The different emojis, likes, and numbers surrounding the person suggest that social media focuses too much on superficial interactions and metrics, rather than genuine human connections. […] Social media can contribute to feelings of comparison and low self-esteem.

We can get better together

This art piece represents what I would say to a friend in need. Shared experiences and friends help people open up and speak their mind.