
Lost in the Screen

This piece shows just how much we are invested in our screens. The fish in the bowl represents how people have small attention spans from social media. The skeleton represents how hollow one might become when being too invested in their phone, not able to pay attention to their surroundings.

End the Stigma

I tried to inspire a social media trend that focuses more on sharing our mental health and less on looks. The purpose of the trend is to encourage others to share in a comfortable way, ending the stigma of talking about mental health. […] People tend to keep up with appearances and care excessively for their reputations on social media. Rarely do we reveal our innermost thoughts, especially when those thoughts revolve around mental health.

Trapped in the Digital Cage

While social media may create a sense of connection, it can also be a source of isolation, distraction, and false perceptions of reality. The different emojis, likes, and numbers surrounding the person suggest that social media focuses too much on superficial interactions and metrics, rather than genuine human connections. […] Social media can contribute to feelings of comparison and low self-esteem.

Forgive Yourself

I wanted to inform people about the importance of choosing to forgive yourself for past mistakes. These mistakes do not define you, and letting go of the resentment that you have for your past self ultimately allows for healing. But of course you cannot forgive on command, I just want people to know that whenever you are ready, it will be there for you.


The drawing is about how I cope with stress and life’s dilemmas – by listening to music, drawing, and seeing the beauty of nature. With all of these combined, the world seems to be more colorful. Without them, my world always seems to be in black and white.

Self Reflection.

This piece is about the importance of self reflection, and how it can even be therapeutic at times. Whenever I am braving a difficult time it can be really refreshing to just sit down and process it. It’s really just talking to yourself and showing yourself compassion like you would any other person going through difficult times. This strategy helped me a lot with self love and processing my emotions. In the end it made me a lot more honest with myself and I learned that if you learn to love yourself and be friends with yourself you’ll never be lonely.

Hope’s Impact

My submission is a poem focused on hope and its impact on the soul, or mental health. It has the purpose of spreading why hope is important and why others should have hope to hold onto.

Talk to someone when needed

It helps students reach out to other students or someone they trust to be able to talk about their feelings or something there struggling with so they don’t have to bottle it up.

Illuminating Hope in the Shadows

This piece serves as a visual reminder inspiring viewers to find hope even in the darkest moments and encouraging them to reflect on their experiences. It invites them to embrace resilience, believe in their own strength, and hold onto the unwavering light of hope.