Dear Me

My Bright Future

Kaylie created this drawing to show who she is now, and who she plans to be in the future. Her 2022 self holds the green ribbon of mental health to show she cares about her mental health. The drawing of her 2027 self is wearing all lime green- she wanted people to know she will follow her own action steps to good mental health to be the best she can be! Her goals are clearly designed to set her up for success- she wants to graduate high school ready to live her best life.

Focus On You!

My drawing represents an image of me reading and drinking water which shows how I am taking care of myself to cope with mental health. I have a dog named Benji on my side with the Mental Health Awareness Green Ribbon around his neck to represent how much my dog has increased my happiness. While taking my time into this drawing, I learned how much I’ve improved my mental health, I realized I was happy and not stressed as much.

Dear Me

The piece “Dear Me” depicts how I currently take care of my mental health–journaling and writing down my worries and stressors. I hope that one day, I can look back on all my journal entries as a fond reminder of the past, rather than as something that holds painful memories. Additionally, the background shows practices I wish to incorporate into my daily routine in the future to take better care of my mental health, such as meditating and taking better care of my body.

Dear Me

I choose this category because I wanted to reflect on the future.

Dear Me… In 10 Years

My entry is about me,10 years from now. I want it to show how much someone can change, and has goals to change. I chose this category because it shows how many dreams and goals I have for myself in the future.

Dear Darren

My entry is a letter to myself in the future, describing the events that I have gone through in the past year. It encourages my future self to reaffirm to values that I learned in the present, and discusses the role of mental health in our lives.

Dear Me in 5 Years

My entry talks about my goals for the next five years during high school and my first year of college. It focuses on the things I want to learn and overcome in order to grow as a person.

Dear Future Me

I chose the monthly prompt because I felt I could express my heart and my soul in words on the page, and be something that I would want to look back upon after graduating from high school to see how far I had come and if my dreams had changed. I also felt that this was a great way to honor my teacher who has had been a huge inspiration to me and taught me a great deal about myself and teaching.

Awareness Break

I chose this category because it really connects to me since I can get easily stressed. Writing a letter to my future self really allowed to me understand that there are many different ways on taking care of my mental health. To this day, I still practice the mental health tips to help take care of my mental health.

Dear future me

My piece is a letter to my future self. I chose this prompt to self reflect.