Orange County Art

Directing Change is an evaluated suicide prevention and mental health program with the mission to educate young people about critical health topics through art and promote social justice and health by changing conversations in schools and communities.

Don’t Let a Fake Reality Become Your Real

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Middle School
Artist: Abby McDevitt
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Alison Stucky
Sometimes the things you see might not always be true. You shouldn't compare yourself to people that might have a ‘perfect’ body or life. You have no idea what someone is going through.

Social Media Self Care

Third Place Monthly Prompt - Middle School
Artist: Adleigh Giles
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Alison Stucky
To feel good about social media usage, we need to be the change we want to see. Using simple guidelines can help us focus on the good, be a positive influence, and help us and others stay mentally healthy.

It’s not too late

First Place (Tied) Monthly Prompt - Sticker Challenge
Artist: Abbey Xuan Lea Graham
Orange County
Grade: 7
St Pauls Lutheran School
Advisor: Song Graham
I worked so hard to find simple symbols that represented mental health, and through this, I found many ways to say "things will get better" and "its okay to be flawed" in the language of art. there are many ways to seek help, and art is yet another way to do so.

Your problems may feel as big as the ocean, but I will be your shore.

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Middle School
Artist: Gwen Mavros and Ruby Temple
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Alison Stucky
I wanted to show the art of stillness and the raw emotion that a photo can capture. I wanted my picture to give off the effect of a person feeling safe, loved, and comfortable telling other people their pain or just a random fact that they came up with. I wanted to show that no one...

You’re No Annoyance Here

First Place Monthly Prompt - Middle School
Artist: Nicholas Quarles
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Alison Stucky
My submission is a poem, and my poem is meant to be for those who feel that they are bothersome, or an annoyance to others.

Hope’s Eternal Glow

Honorable Mention Hope and Justice
Artist: Katelyn Gooneratne
Orange County
Grade: 10
Canyon High School
Advisor: Marie Gooneratne
“One of the best ways I find hope is through writing. In this poem, I wrote about hope; and by writing this, I gave myself hope. I am a very hopeful person because of the artwork I do. Writing helps me express that hopefulness and makes it contagious to others.”

Maybe if I was…

First Place Hope and Justice - Visual Art
Artist: Abbey Xuan Lea Graham
Orange County
Grade: 7
St. Pauls Lutheran School
Advisor: Alex Graham
“As a biracial female in a white-male-dominant environment, I find it very important to point out racist and sexist behavior when I see it. I was very excited to make an entry about my personal experience and how I've dealt with these unjust problems in the hope that others might be able to take some of...

Mental Health Matters

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Art
Artist: Mikaylah Roberts
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My entry is titled, "Mental Health Matters." My entry demonstrates that life can be extremely busy, and many things can be overwhelming. Many people don't realize what may be going through a person's mind everyday. A person's mind can get so full that it turns into a bunch of negative thoughts, that are running through your...

Speak To Each Other

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Art
Artist: Nolan Bowman
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Ali Stucky
It is a poster with graphics of people talking to each other, along with a Green ribbon representing mental health awareness, a quote from Lauren Fogel Mersy, and a text box saying that you can talk to each other about Mental issues.

Ribbon of Help

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Art
Artist: Sophie Nigro
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My project shows the green ribbon, representing mental health awareness, and on it are ways that I help my mental health. It shows ways to calm down and how to help with your mental health.

Mental Heath Toolbox

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Art
Artist: Oceanne Fabry-Mourer
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My entry shows a mental health toolbox. This is supposed to reflect ways/ tools to help improve mental health. I drew a toolbox with tools in it to represent the mental health toolbox. On the tools I wrote a few ways that people can check in with themselves and find ways to improve their mental health....

How to be Emotionally Healthy

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Art
Artist: Abby McDevitt
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My poster is about how to make sure you stay mentally healthy and what to do to stay healthy. My poster provides 4 ways to stay healthy and it has a website name if you want to learn more about mental health. Anyone who has trouble staying emotionally healthy can read this poster and understand it.

Can We Talk?

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Art
Artist: Dillan Olson
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My submission is about two friends sitting on a bench and one is going through mental health problems. The one on the right struggles with stress and anxiety which has caused him to feel depressed. The person on the left wants to help out his friend by talking to him about what he's going through and...

I’ll always be here

First Place Monthly Prompt - Art
Artist: Abbey Xuan Lea Graham
Orange County
Grade: 6
St Pauls Lutheran School
Advisor: Alex Graham
The red-haired character picks up on her friend's anxious and stressed body language. because of this, she gently confronts her friend about the tension she has noticed. She even offers talking online as a more comfortable approach to talking about her stress. The two talk online and discuss the purple-haired girl's stress cause, and how she...

Taking Charge: A Poem about Empowering Mental Health

Third Place Monthly Prompt - Written Works
Artist: Marley LaFave
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Ali Stucky
The poem is a motivational piece about taking action for mental health. It encourages the reader to seek help and support, to exercise their body and mind, and to adopt a positive outlook on life. The language is lyrical and rhythmic, with a consistent rhyme scheme that adds to its catchiness. The overall tone of the...


Second Place Monthly Prompt - Written Works
Artist: Jaedyn Fuentes
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My poem tells a story of someone who struggles with anxiety and gets anxiety attacks frequently, but when they go get help, they start to realize they aren't alone.

Into the Eye

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Visual Art - Middle School 
Artist: Sophia
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Alison Stucky
My entry shows that I am from more than one country and that I am unique in my very own way. Looking into the eye symbolizes that if you get to know someone and their personality, you can get to know their history and where they're from. My eye shows that I am from Germany, Wales,...

Infinite Possibilities-No Limits

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Visual Art - Middle School 
Artist: Amelie Friedrich
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
In my drawing the infinity symbol represents endless possibilities. The different sketches illustrate that I'm a complex person that cannot easily be defined within some limit or boundary. For example, it is often said that girls don't go camping or hiking, but I choose to live beyond those labels.

Helping Hand

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Visual Art - Middle School 
Artist: Sophia Tacardon
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My entry relates back to the required content submission criteria because it shows and represents how no matter who you are there will always be a helping hand by your side and you are never alone. Its shows that people can join together and be more than one.

1’s and 0’s

Second Place Monthly Prompt - Visual Art - Middle School 
Artist: Marley LaFave
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
This submission is saying that you don't have to be like everyone else, and you are not like everyone else. Every single person in the world is different. Why would you like to be like everyone else when you could be more than one.

Beyond the Silhouette

Third Place Monthly Prompt - Visual Art - Middle School 
Artist: Isla Anderson
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Ali Stucky
As the shadows in the image show, on the outside we are all very similar, we all look like the same silhouettes with just simple differences. But sometimes it is important to look beyond what unites everyone and instead look at what sets us apart from the world. Whether it be culture, gender, sexuality, or something...

You’ll Help Me Carry On

First Place Monthly Prompt - Visual Art - Middle School 
Artist: Olivia Kwon
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My submission represents how as an Asian American it can sometimes be hard when you hear about all the Asian hate going around. This photo shows how even when the world seems dark, I know that there is always someone who will stand with me.


Third Place Hope and Justice 
Artist: Adleigh Giles
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate School
Advisor: Ali Stucky
In my design I wanted to show that there is more than one way to look at something. In life we can choose to focus on the positive or we can focus on the negative. Every day is an opportunity to see the good.

Hope bares fruit as a team

Second Place Hope and Justice Art
Artist: Jasmine Dominguez
Orange County
Grade: 11
Magnolia Science Academy-Santa Ana
Advisor: Sunny Jung
This idea goes way back to when I was in a bad state of mind. I was not in a good position to do anything because of my mentality. Everything felt like it was crumbling and then one day I bumped into a family member watching the news. As I looked up at the television I...

Take Life One Word At A Time

Third Place Monthly Prompt - Written Works
Artist: Courtlyn Lloyd
Orange County
Grade: 10
El Toro High School
Advisor: Jonelle Bright
My entry is about journaling, and the positive impacts it can have on someone. Journaling is a very useful coping strategy, and in doing it you can creative positive and healthy habits for yourself. Everyone needs an outlet and an anchor to get through the bad times, and journaling my feelings and thoughts is mine. It...

Getting Over the Hurdles in Life

Honorable Mention May 2022 Hope
Artist: Vivian Taylor
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My entry is about what I do to get through hard times in life and what I believe will help you get through those dark times. I also provide examples of what one might have to go through and how to keep on going even though it is hard sometimes. It could give readers hope and...

Where I Want To Be In Fifteen Years

Honorable Mention May 2022 Monthly Prompt “Dear Me”
Artist: Jaida Mair
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My entry is about the job I want to have in the future. I hope to become an architect and create many buildings in this world. It would be fun to design houses and bring that creation to life. Architecture is something I would love spending the rest of my life doing.

Pieces of Myself

Honorable Mention May 2022 Monthly Prompt “Dear Me”
Artist: Maxwell Ngo
Orange County
Grade: Other
Pioneer Middle School
Advisor: Uyen Ngo
Dear Future Max, Don't forget to take some time out to care for yourself! You can care for yourself when you lose yourself in music, when you are a part of nature and forget about all your worries when you're playing soccer! Love, Max

Hobbies Should Be Habits!

Honorable Mention May 2022 Monthly Prompt “Dear Me”
Artist: Ava Ngo
Orange County
Grade: Other
Foothill High School
Advisor: Uyen Ngo
Dear Future Ava, You should encompass your hobbies of painting, meditation and healthy cooking into daily habits so you could always feel self love! Love, Ava

We Are All Human, Let Us Have Peace

Honorable Mention May 2022 Justice
Artist: Kaelin Grant
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
I chose this category because it is something that I feel very strongly about. I want peace and justice in the world. I want everyone to be treated equally and I want everyone to feel included and accepted no matter their race, gender, or sexuality.

What Gives Me Hope?

Honorable Mention May 2022 Hope
Artist: Emma Krieg and Emily Nunez
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
The bubble with words provides what gives that person hope to move forward. No matter how hard life got, those were their inspiration to keep going. The door represents the future and the good it will hold.

Hiking for Hope

Honorable Mention May 2022 Hope
Artist: Amelie Friedrich
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
I made visual art to encourage young people to find hope by being outside in nature. Whenever I feel stressed or in a challenging time, being in nature can help give me hope. Hiking is not only good exercise but also good for your mental health.

Hands of Hope

Honorable Mention May 2022 Hope
Artist: Sophie Nigro and Isla Anderson
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
Our entry is a painting with a quote about hope on it. We wanted to show that people can help others find hope instead of just showing ways of how to find hope. We felt that helping others can also help give yourself hope too.


Honorable Mention May 2022 Hope
Artist: Taylor Mayes
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My painting is based on when I had cancer when I was about five or six years old with Ewing's Sarcoma. I was in the hospital for a week every other week and I was attached to this panda bear stuffed animal that I got from the gift shop on the hospital's first floor. I brought...

Dear Me… In 10 Years

Honorable Mention May 2022 Monthly Prompt “Dear Me”
Artist: Adelaide Hare
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My entry is about me,10 years from now. I want it to show how much someone can change, and has goals to change. I chose this category because it shows how many dreams and goals I have for myself in the future.

Dear Me in 5 Years

Honorable Mention May 2022 Monthly Prompt “Dear Me”
Artist: EllaRose McLaughlin
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
My entry talks about my goals for the next five years during high school and my first year of college. It focuses on the things I want to learn and overcome in order to grow as a person.

Be Just

Honorable Mention May 2022 Justice
Artist: Olivia Park
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
I chose this category because I felt that there was so much injustice in our world. I decided to make a social media post, sharing a few bullet points on how to be just in our lives.

The Light

3rd place May 2022 Hope
Artist: Ayleen Jacquemin
Orange County
Grade: 8
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Ali Stucky
People who really know me know just how hopeful I am about everything. From having hope that I will do a good job on the test to believing I can learn a new language at 5 years old (I moved to the US during that time). I always believe good will come no matter what. There...

You’re Not Alone

Honorable Mention - Hope and Justice
Artist: Michael Garcia
Orange County
Grade: 12
Anaheim High School
Advisor: Esmeralda Lopez
I feel no one really knows how someone may feel or the reason they feel that way. People could be going through the worst and we may never know by them hiding it so well. We have lost many over the years of those who felt like they didn't matter that felt pain they couldn't truly...

You’re Not Alone

Honorable Mention - Hope and Justice
Artist: Michael Garcia
Orange County
Grade: 12
Anaheim High School
Advisor: Nelliy Neal
The visual art illustrates a supportive friend helping her friend in need. Although she has tried multiple times to help him, she finally refers him to professional help where he can finally get the advice he needs.

Self Love

Artist: Isabel Ruiz
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Alison Stucky
I chose this category because self love is extremely important to me because I have personally struggled with it. While doing this I learned how many people are dissatisfied with themselves and it really made me frown but I'm glad that society as a whole can have a huge impact on this problem, and we can...

The Whole Pointe

Artist: Olivia Park
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Alison Stucky
The reason I chose this category was because when I myself was going through a hard time, I used dance to find hope. I wanted to let everyone know that there will always be hope, but when you let go of the string, hope can fly away. I was originally going to have the balloon up...

There’s always light

Artist: Kayla Hardy
Orange County
Grade: 7
Serrano Intermediate
Advisor: Alison Stucky
I chose hope because I feel like sometimes there isn't enough hope in this world. Sometimes it seems so sad, or drowsy. So I choose hope, because everyone should have a flame of hope inside them!