Fresno County Art

Directing Change is an evaluated suicide prevention and mental health program with the mission to educate young people about critical health topics through art and promote social justice and health by changing conversations in schools and communities.


Third Place Monthly Prompt - Middle School
Artist: Gurneet Kaur
Fresno County
Grade: 7
John Sutter Middle School
Advisor: Navpreet Pannu
Anchors come in different shapes and sizes. Your anchor might not be the same as someone else's, but that doesn’t matter – if it makes you happy, it’s for you. Taking care of yourself is important, so don’t change your anchor to fit in. I think it’s important for people to understand their anchors or things...

Not A Burden, A Gift

Third Place Monthly Prompt - Middle School
Artist: Gurneet Kaur
Fresno County
Grade: 7
John Sutter Middle School
Advisor: Navpreet Pannu
The little things about you that make you 'you' can never be replaced. Never be afraid to ask for help because you're not a burden, and you never will be.

What I Wish You Knew

Third Place Monthly Prompt - Middle School
Artist: Gurneet Kaur
Fresno County
Grade: 7
Sutter Middle School
Advisor: Navpreet Pannu
A 'perfect' conversation requires effort from both ends. The person struggling has to open up and trust the other person they’re asking for help, whilst the person being reached out to has to provide support and reassurance. A perfect conversation is one where the person who needs help can get it.

Thank You

Second Place Monthly Prompt - Middle School
Artist: Gurneet Kaur
Fresno County
Grade: 7
John Sutter Middle School
Advisor: Maria Rodriguez
“Someone who needs help should get it, even if they won’t ask for it themselves. Something as simple as showing that you care can change a million things. I want people to know how their words can have a huge impact on others. Good or bad, your words can affect someone, sometimes a lot more than...


Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Art
Artist: Kansas Stewart
Fresno County
Grade: 7
John Sutter Middle
Advisor: Maria Rodriguez
I know that a lot of people experience mental health differently and the things holding people back from being happy can be one thing or many. People can't just "be happy", it takes more than that. The person in my drawing is holding a watering can and the flower on there is meant to represent someone's...

You Matter

First Place Monthly Prompt - Written Works
Artist: Gurneet Kaur
Fresno County
Grade: 6
John Sutter Middle
Advisor: Maria Rodriguez
My entry is a poem that talks about the struggles of going through any rough part in someone’s life. It serves as a reminder to those who need it that they matter and that their voices are heard and struggles aren’t ignored. Near the end, I focus on how anyone could do their part to help...

The Eye Mountain

Honorable Mention Hope and Justice 
Artist: Maliyah Guajardo
Fresno County
Grade: 6
John Sutter Middle
Advisor: Maria Rodriguez
My drawing is about the way we see nature and the way we see the world overall. I feel strong when I'm near nature because it is peaceful and I can think more clearly.


First Place Hope and Justice 
Artist: Kansas Stewart
Fresno County
Grade: 7
Fowler Unified 
Advisor: Maria Rodriguez
My art shows three people of different races all together. I'd like to think it shows that regardless of skin or culture, what really matters is your kindness and personality.

The Guide of Life

Honorable Mention Monthly Prompt - Art
Artist: Damian Martinez
Fresno County
Grade: 8
John Sutter Middle School
Advisor: Maria Rodriguez
I chose my dog, his name is S'mores, as my mental health hero. After a long day, going home and spending time with my dog always makes me happy. I drew that landscape to describe the highs and lows of life. The right part of the drawing represents the sad parts of life. My dog and...

Angry monument

Honorable Mention May 2022 Hope
Artist: Dulce Maria Garcia
Fresno County
Grade: 7
Community Day School
Advisor: Nancy Alba-Garcia
I allow myself to display my anger through my art. I remind myself I am more than a mental illness by telling myself I am creative, artistic and inventive. I have been learning how to cope with my mental illness by creating beautiful things through my artwork.

Gratitude Poem

Artist: Taryn Esajian
Fresno County
Grade: 9
Sierra High School
Advisor: Andrea Marjala
I wrote a poem about gratitude and how I see it around me every day. I wrote specifically about the people that mean the most to me.

Thank you from me to you

Artist: Jaidyn Holt
Fresno County
Grade: 9
Sierra High School
Advisor: Andrea Marjala
“The poem I wrote about is how I am grateful for everyone in my life. How it relates to everyday life, and how gratitude is shown and appreciated.”


Artist: Tylee Mitchell, Luke Sanchez Boele
Fresno County
Grade: 10
Sierra High School
Advisor: Andrea Marjala
We put small images and messages in a collage that represent the things we are grateful for.

Don’t Lose Sight of Hope

Third Place - October 2021
Artist: Beverly Douglas
Fresno County
Grade: 10
Sierra High School
Advisor: Andrea Marjala
“This poem provides ideas and insight on ways you can find hope in dark times. It advises readers to never stop searching for hope and that hope. That the reader is not alone.”

You have value, there is always hope

Artist: Abbey Cetin, Maddy McDivitt
Fresno County
Grade: 10
Sierra High School
Advisor: Andrea Marjala
A student cries out for help at school, as the stress of life proves to be overwhelming just as it feels hopeless to continue, a NAMI activist showcases a helping hand, as everyone has someone to help them, and provide hope for brighter days.


Artist: Avery Jones
Fresno County
Grade: 9
Sierra High School
Advisor: Andrea Marjala
My entry is a poem about what I am grateful for.

The Black Dot

Artist: Tylee Mitchell
Fresno County
Grade: 10
Sierra High School
Advisor: Andrea Marjala
My poem discusses feelings people feel while experiencing suicidal thoughts and depression.

Don’t Lose Sight of Hope

Third Place September 2021 - Hope and Justice
Artist: Beverly Douglas
Fresno County
Grade: 10
Sierra High School
Advisor: Andrea Marjala
I chose this category because I know many people who struggle to find the good in life. I wrote it in the hope of advocating to look for the good. Through this project I too learned how to better look for the good in life.

Holding On

Honorable Mention September 2021 Monthly Prompt: "You Are Not Alone"
Artist: Luke Sanchez-Boele
Fresno County
Grade: 10
Sierra High School
Advisor: Andrea Marjala
I wanted to try and help people with the things I have gone through. Knowing these things bring more understanding towards these types of issues and I hate to see people go through trauma.